Class of 1984 (1982) is an entertaining and thought-provoking combination of the Vigilante and High School Drama flick. The film describes the punks as the next generation of important people. It was done as a reworking of Blackboard Jungle (it is much better than Cruel Intentions and more gutsy). Class of 1984 (1982) is an errie movie because the depiction of unsafe Urban high schools, metal detectors at schools, and security guards would be a reality eight years later in many high school cities. It is a courageous movie that isn't afraid to deal with important issues. Class of 1984 (1982) will be noted for the appearance of Michael J. Fox known in the credits as Michael Fox.
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
wonderful and amusing punk rock version of the teen gang movie. when new teacher andy norris (perry king) arrives at lincoln high, he unwittingly pits himself against a gang of punks led by the legendary timothy van patton (who shocks the audience with a beautiful self-written piano solo). as norris continues to investigate the punks' behavior, he finds himself and his wife caught up in violent world of high school brutality. some of the best and worst moments in video history are caught within the action-packed 93 minutes. absolutely fantastic cult film, deserves many, many viewings...
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
"Death Wish" meets "The Blackboard Jungle" in this brutal, increasingly violent thriller. If I were to judge it from a strictly objective point of view, I'd have to be very negative - it's a totally exploitative piece of work. But there is something inherently absorbing about this movie, and you simply can't take your eyes off it. Its 93 minutes pass like a breeze, and for that alone it probably deserves two stars. Has pretty good acting, too.